Welcome to the Trillium Elementary School Council On-Line Lunch Program!
Our menu items strictly adhere to the OCDSB Food and Beverage Policy, PPM150. The nutrition standards are based on the principals of healthy eating outlined in Canada's Food Guide. As such, the items offered on our menus will not necessarily be the same as what you see offered in the stores.
Orders can be placed up until midnight 5 days prior to the delivery date (midnight Wednesday for Monday deliveries and midnight Thursday for Tuesday deliveries). Payment can be made using PayPal (a small transaction fee will apply), or you can send a cheque made payable to TESC in a sealed envelope marked "Lunch Progam" and your child(rens) name directly to the school. Please be advised we are no longer accepting cash payments.
Note: Payment must be received within 5 days to ensure no disruption to your child's lunch service. There are no refunds for absences. If you know your child will be absent more than 5 days in advance, please modify your order. Changes to existing orders will result in a credit to your account to be used on your next order.
Please direct all inquiries to lunches@tesc.ca
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